The Trakt Kodi addon extends this functionality to your Kodi installation. Certain addons allow you to integrate your Trakt account and scrobble streamed content, but the majority of these don’t use licensed sources and as a rule, we do not recommend them. Installing the Trakt Kodi addon. Installing the Trakt Kodi addon is very simple

30 Aug 2016 It's free to subscribe, just go to and sign up. Once signed up you can authorize add-ons like Exodus, Specto Fork, Velocity and SALTS to  21 Apr 2019 How to keep track of everything you watch and want to watch in Kodi. How to setup a full Kodi library. How to access other great Trakt features. Trakt is a service that keeps track of the movies and TV shows you watch. Every title you watch is stored in your account history, and you can find new content  5 Nov 2017 What is the Trakt Kodi addon? Trakt is a service that integrates with your media center to better keep track of the TV shows and movies that you've 

24 May 2020 Trakt is an online platform that integrates with Kodi and scrobbles the movies and TV shows you watch. 'Scrobbling' simply means keeping a 

Kodi TV est une fonction d’extension du logiciel de base. Elle permet d’accéder à des vidéos télévisuelles. La plupart de son codage a été faite par des tierces personnes. Pour déployer tout son potentiel, il faut l’activer au niveau des menus de l’application. Il est même possible d’activer plusieurs extensions en fonction de la situation géographique et des besoins de

14/06/2020 · - Automatically scrobble all TV episodes and movies you are watching - Sync your TV episode and movie collections to Trakt (triggered after a library update) - Auto clean your Trakt collection so that it matches up with Kodi - Keep watched statuses synced between Kodi and Trakt

Install Trakt Kodi addon using our 5 minutes guide . The Trakt add-on for Kodi enables you to naturally track all multimedia content you are viewing to You can keep a history of all that you've viewed. This add-on is incredible for adjusting content over different gadgets utilizing numerous additional items. Kodi Scrobbler + Sync Plugin. The Trakt Kodi plugin runs in the background of the Kodi media center and automatically scrobbles what you’re… How to Set up Trakt with Kodi Addons. Not all Kodi addons are compatible with Trakt, therefore I recommend checking the features of the add-on before installation to ensure it supports Trakt. Luckily, most popular addons including Exodus Redux, Exodus, Venom, Covenant support Trakt TV. For demonstration purposes, in this guide, I am showing you how you can authorize Trakt on Exodus Redux Kodi … L'addon Trakt Kodi vous permet de suivre l'état de votre surveillance entre Kodi et le service Trakt en ligne. Il vous permet également de comparer l'historique de votre montre avec vos amis, de connaître les films que vous avez visionnés et même de découvrir de nouveaux contenus (avec un compte sur leur site Web).[ Lis: 7 meilleurs addons pour sauvegarder le statut surveillé 12/04/2016